
Romeo and juliet full script
Romeo and juliet full script

romeo and juliet full script romeo and juliet full script

ABRAHAM Do you bite your thumb at us, sir? SAMPSON Is the law of our side if I say ay? GREGORY No. ABRAHAM Do you bite your thumb at us, sir? SAMPSON I do bite my thumb, sir. ENTER two other servingmen, ABRAHAM and BALTHAZAR SAMPSON: I will bite my thumb at them, which is disgrace to them if they bear it. GREGORY: Here come two of the house of Montague. Scene 1 A street ENTER SAMPSON and GREGORY of the house of Capulet, in conversation. If ever you disturb our streets again, your lives shall pay the forfeit.) Down with the Montagues!) There is a fight in the street that is so disruptive that the Prince, tired of this violence, lays down the law: (3. I am not really sure if you understand this, let me rephrase with a more modern version In Verona there are two families that have hated each other for a long time. Prologue Chorus: Two households both alike in dignity, In fair Verona where we lay our scene From ancient grudge, break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean: From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, A pair of star crossed lovers take their life: Whose misadventured piteous overthrows, Doth with their death bury their parents’ strife. Modern Romeo and Juliet Script Casts: Prince Escalus PRINCE OF VERONA Paris A YOUNG COUNT Montague HEAD OF THE HOUSE OF MONTAGUE Capulet HEAD OF THE HOUSE OF CAPULET Romeo MONTAGUE’S SON Mercutio KINSMAN TO THE PRINCE, FRIEND TO ROMEO Benvolio NEPHEW TO MONTAGUE, FRIEND TO ROMEO Tybalt NEPHEW TO LADY CAPULET Juliet DAUGHTER TO CAPULET Nurse to Juliet Lady Montague WIFE TO MONTAGUE Lady Capulet WIFE TO CAPULET Friar Lawrence OF THE FRANCISCAN ORDER, FRIEND TO ROMEO Friar John OF THE FRANCISCAN ORDER Balthazar SERVANT TO ROMEO Sampson & Gregory SERVANTS TO CAPULET Abraham Citizens, Revellers And Others

Romeo and juliet full script